project leader
Ebonie R
W. 39th Street
(Brooklyn Centre)
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the project

With a goal to equip 20 youth in and around the community Bee Skool will be a 6 week immersive, fun, and creative educational experience to preserve bees and other pollinators in and around Shalom and Tranquility Community Garden. The hope is that after having this experience these students will begin to share the importance of saving the lives of all pollinators to their sphere of influence within their families and in their communities. 

the steps

Recruitment Begins April 15 - May 15

Order Suits & Tools 

Class Dates:

May 30

June: 6,20,27

July 11,18

September 21 celebration & Awards

why we're doing it

The summer of 2022 Shalom and Tranquility Community Garden installed a combined sensory and pollinator space at their community garden. The same year they were gifted a beehive. Due acts of human violence against the hive the colony didn't survive. After the leadership investigated the cause of the hives destruction it was found that the youth and community needed education on the importance of bees and all pollinators. But, How? Before investing in a new colony of bees Lead farmer, Ebonie Randle became a certified Bee Keeper through the Lorain County Beekeepers Association. After the completion of her training a new bee package arrived to the garden Summer 2023. Bee Skool will support the efforts to educate the youth on the importance of bees and pollinators, also preserve the new colony, and have a good time while doing it. 


Final budget


20 Bee Suits X $120 = $2400.00

20 Tool kits x $50.00 = $1000.00

20 Badges & Rewards x $50 = $1000.00

20 Weekly Meals ($20pp/pwk) = $2400.00

Wayfinding & Safety Signage (7 x $20) = 140.00

Final budget


TOTAL RAISED = $7,091.00

ioby Fiscal Sponsorship Fee (8%) N/A

ioby Donation Processing Fee (4%) $163.64


Original budget


20 Bee Suits X $120 = $2400.00

20 Tool kits x $50.00 = $1000.00                               

20 Badges & Rewards x $50 = $1000.00

20 Weekly Meals ($20pp/pwk) = $2400.00

Total: $6,800.00



ioby Fiscal Sponsorship Fee N/A    $0.00
ioby Donation Processing Fee 4%    $155.81
TOTAL TO RAISE    $6,955.81
Donation processing fees apply to donations only. 100% of match funding goes to projects. Please note, fees are estimated here and final numbers may change based on the final amount raised and amount of match funding applied to this campaign.    


Sorry, but this project doesn't have any updates yet.


This is where photos will go once we build flickr integration


  • Anonymous
  • Heather H.
  • Solidaridad 🫶🏽
  • Cassandra M.
  • Nick N.
  • Old Tyme Restoration. Co
  • Anna J.
  • Hope R.
  • Dustin and Sara
  • Tom R.
  • Mizzy
  • Jessica S.
  • Anonymous
  • Fawn D.
  • Potted Joy
  • Sam W.
  • Sarah E.
  • Anonymous
  • Nichole G.
  • Corbin F.
  • Venica H.
  • Paula N.
  • Therese E.
  • @breakwithshaiden
  • Jill D.
  • Jasmin S.
  • Sara T.
  • Vatreisha Nyemba
  • Emily L.
  • Stephanie G.
  • Haley D.
  • Krystal S.
  • Nick D.
  • Stephanie G.
  • Evelyn H.
  • Camila Fox Gonzalez
  • Hope F.
  • Maria S.
  • Brenda V.
  • Jennifer C.
  • Veronica R.
  • Jesus F.
  • Ivy S.
  • Mike and Doreen
  • Nikki M.
  • Kostantinos A.
  • Anonymous
  • Tess
  • Lekeina
  • Joy H.
  • Salina M.
  • Danielle D.
  • David S.
  • Stacey L.
  • Vivian S.
  • Queen Yemiyah
  • Anonymous
  • Michelle H.
  • Anonymous
  • Carmen S.
  • Allen G.
  • Angel G.
  • Rosetta B.