project leader
Camilo Q
50 Goodwin Pl
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the project

The event will take place in the Summer of 2023 at the Good Life Garden in Bushwick. This event will focus on sharing Latin America's diverse music through workshops, dance performances, talkbacks, food, and visual art. The musical anchor of the event will be Cumbia, a style of music with roots in African drumming and indigenous singing and instrumentation. Cumbia was born in Colombia and was created as a communal form of celebration. Cumbia is the root of much of the music of Latin America, similar to the Blues in the United States. The style has since traveled to every country in Latin America and the United States, where it has evolved and been influenced by taste, technology, and the particularities of each region. In the last two years, we have worked with various Brooklyn-based musicians who specialize in different forms of Cumbia. We want to hold a festival that brings these musicians together while sharing and teaching about this diverse art form. This event will also feature food, dance, and visual art inspired by the various countries involved and by the music that will be shared. 

Although often treated like a monolith, the Latin American community is incredibly diverse and not always a united front. Through experience and exploration, Cumbia is one of the common denominators of our cultures. So we want to use the musical form to create a space to discuss our similarities and differences. This festival will bring awareness to the history and prejudices many Latino people still harbor against Afro-Latinos and indigenous communities by highlighting that our culture was born from these communities. We want this festival to be about starting difficult conversations that can carry on beyond the event. The event will feature tables by local immigrant rights groups and cultural groups that can expound on the topics this festival will feature. We hope to turn this into an annual festival that can be held every Summer in Brooklyn. We expect this event to employ between 30-50 artists. 


the steps

Upon meeting our ioby fundraising goals, we will do the following:

  • Confirm our date with the Goodlife Garden in Bushwick, our community partners, and all other participants.
  • Submit our permits for the confirmed date.
  • Draft and execute contracts with performers, musicians, and photographers. 
  • Pay deposits for musicians and photographers.
  • Solidify our marketing materials with accurate dates and confirmed participants. 
  • Plan our social media campaign and plan our press release.

why we're doing it

  • We have an artistic dedication to creating and prioritizing communal spaces, and we want to engage the people and spaces already dedicated to serving the community. 
  • We are bringing different communities together for one shared experience while promoting the fact that immigrant art is American art with deep roots and a large audience behind it in New York City and beyond.
  • We are supporting local businesses and street vendors and creating a safe space for them to work. Stimulating local micro-economies is the most impactful way to develop and maintain a thriving and diverse local community. This event will make a venue for local sellers to have a guaranteed income.
  • We have worked with many large institutions to bring our work to them and our community. Still, we want to get this work directly to our community, in our community, and invite institutions to partner with us and meet our audience at home!

And who doesn’t love art, food, and dancing!?



  • PERFORMERS (x7 performers): $1,375
  • DJ: $335
  • CREW LABOR (7 crew members): $2,721.00
  • DOCUMENTATION (Photographers/videographers/etc.): $1,245
  • TRANSPORT: $970.23
  • TOTAL: $6,646.23

TOTAL RAISED = $6,759.00
ioby Fiscal Sponsorship Fee (5%) N/A
ioby Donation Processing Fee (3%) $112.77



  • PERFORMERS (7 performers): $1,375
  • CREW LABOR (7 crew members): $2,721.00
  • DOCUMENTATION (Photographers/videographers/etc.): $1,100
  • MUSIC (10 musicians): $7,455.05
  • PRODUCTION MATERIALS (Props/flowers/piñatas/etc.): $4,314.71
  • TRANSPORT: $967.33
  • MERCH: $1,786.38
  • TOTAL: $19,719.47

ioby Fiscal Sponsorship Fee (5%) N/A
ioby Donation Processing Fee (3%)
(Donation processing fee does not apply to match funding.)

Donation processing fees apply to donations only. 100% of match funding goes to projects. Please note, fees are estimated here and final numbers may change based on the final amount raised and amount of match funding applied to this campaign.



Sorry, but this project doesn't have any updates yet.


This is where photos will go once we build flickr integration


  • Kate J.
  • La Boriqua
  • Mickey P.
  • Latini #2
  • Anonymous
  • Maia Novi
  • Martine B.
  • Zoe B.
  • Hongo
  • Anonymous
  • Anthoula K.
  • Sarah G.
  • Cesar T.
  • Tía Vicky
  • basura banjo
  • Pa'
  • Bea Perez
  • Daniele C.
  • Kate M.
  • Alex V.
  • Chau!!!
  • Isabel V.
  • Danielle B.
  • Ashley D.
  • Evangelos T.
  • Scarlet M.
  • Michaelangelo A.
  • Sarah J.
  • Daniel C.
  • Sabina
  • Megan A.
  • Natalie R.
  • Pedro T.
  • Lauren S.
  • Alice G
  • Matt & Kir
  • Anonymous
  • Sarah LaDuke
  • Danielle K.
  • Lindsay K.
  • Anonymous
  • Courtney E.
  • Anonymous
  • Jacqueline R.
  • Hannah Sultana
  • Salomé E.
  • Catharine Krebs
  • Hilary G.
  • Jason S.