project leader
Dawn A
slavic village
(Slavic Village, St. Clair/Superior, Clark-Fulton)
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the project

The Comics at the Corner Comic Book Reading Nooks are spaces located in local businesses and organizations that provide free comics and an inviting space for people to sit and read! We are currently in the process of setting up our first Reading Nook at the Reading Room CLE inside the Brownhoist and have 3 additional locations in the works! 

The spaces are collaborative and not intended to be a burden for the sponsoring location. Comics at the Corner provides the comics and set up and the partner/host will provide the space. 

the steps

Identify 4 locations for the nooks - in process

Purchase and pick up furniture/items - in process

Purchase books


Develop an evaluation and restock process


why we're doing it

Comics at the Corner has been tackling the literacy challenge in under-invested communities since late 2018. We launched our Literacy Lounges in 2023 and continue to have an impact in neighborhoods where literacy is a challenge due to the lack of opportunities for book ownership and choice. While the Literacy Lounges continue to grow, we recognize that people need regular spaces where they can connect with the community and feel welcome. We believe that if spaces emulate bookstores and libraries but don't require payment perhaps people will engage with content. 


Final budget


$1683 - 10 months storage

$417 - books and shelf inventory 

$567.20 furniture and displays

$900 - stipends/volunteer support 

$3567.20 total

Final budget


TOTAL RAISED =$3,640.00ioby Fiscal Sponsorship Fee (5%)N/Aioby Donation Processing Fee (4%)$72.80TOTAL TO DISBURSE=$3,567.20

Original budget

Storage Facility Rental.  $1800

Comics.                          $1000

Volunteer Stipends.       $600

Displays/Furniture.        $800

Total.                             $4200


ioby Fiscal Sponsorship Fee N/A    $0.00
ioby Donation Processing Fee 4%    $49.29
TOTAL TO RAISE    $4,249.29
Donation processing fees apply to donations only. 100% of match funding goes to projects. Please note, fees are estimated here and final numbers may change based on the final amount raised and amount of match funding applied to this campaign.    


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This is where photos will go once we build flickr integration


  • Anonymous
  • Amy R.
  • LOOP Cooperative
  • Ken & Ben
  • Matt W.
  • Organic Connects, Inc.
  • Holmes Family
  • Walls of Love
  • Anonymous
  • Anonymous
  • Sujata L.
  • Anonymous
  • Comics at the Corner
  • Adrian G.
  • Anonymous
  • Tanya R.
  • Liz Conway
  • Nicole B.
  • Alison B.
  • HBD Dawn! Xo Heather Torok
  • Jill P.
  • Mike R.
  • Anonymous
  • Cat W.
  • Laurie A.
  • Anonymous
  • Mild Mannered Daniel McLaughlin