project leader
Donté G
230 W Huron Road
(Downtown Cleveland aimed at those in Northeast Ohio)
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the project

Since 2013, Donté´s Gift Express has helped 'unwrap the joy of family' for over 6,000 families through surprise gift deliveries, winter items, books and PPE. Started by 4 Shaw High School alum from East Cleveland, our focus has been been using both hands - one to help ourselves and the other to help others. Reaching back and across as we climb. East Cleveland has it's share of problems - but it's home and we want to show our neighbors and young people that it is okay to care and work towards the betterment of our communities. 

the steps

Oct 2023 - Nov 2023: Fundraise

Nov 2023: Identify muralist, purchase supplies.

Dec 2023: Gift Wrapping session, Host family fun day (includes interactive arts area) for 2,000 families, East Cleveland surprise gift deliver to 2,000 families.

why we're doing it

The holidays are times mixed with a range of emotions, self-isolation and stress. Our annual project injects hope and joy into the holiday season by bringing Christmas right to the door steps of families and providing free holiday programming that engages the whole family. It's easy to sit back and worry about yourself, it's even easier to stop for a moment to help make someone's day with simple gestures and acts of kindness. 


Final budget



ioby Fiscal Sponsorship Fee (5%)

ioby Donation Processing Fee (4%)


Original budget

$1,500.00 - Muralist

$500.00 - Arts & Crafts supplies

$1,000.00 - Coloring Books (each attendee take home)


ioby Fiscal Sponsorship Fee N/A    $0.00
ioby Donation Processing Fee 4%    $20.54
TOTAL TO RAISE    $3,020.54
Donation processing fees apply to donations only. 100% of match funding goes to projects. Please note, fees are estimated here and final numbers may change based on the final amount raised and amount of match funding applied to this campaign.    


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This is where photos will go once we build flickr integration


  • Ruby W.
  • Rebecca Z.
  • Kimberly F.
  • Dominique T.
  • Anonymous
  • Anonymous
  • Derrick & Donna Fellows
  • Evelyn B.
  • Marcus J.
  • Mikexart
  • Erika A.
  • Loretta Laffitte Griffin
  • Anonymous