project leader
Robyn W
5051 Anderson Pl
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the project

Our 5th and 6th grade students have the opportunity to take a 4 day field trip following the Underground Railroad into Niagara Falls, Canada. For some of our students, this will be the first time out of the country. We have planned a trip that allows our students to learn from historical landmarks but also experience some fun opportunities along the way. We will be stopping first in Amish Country to see how the Amish hid many escaped slaves. We will then spend the night in Pittsburgh where we will have the opportunity to see multiple Underground Railroad sites. Finally we will drive into Canada, stopping at Niagara Falls to visit the Underground Railroad Heritage Center, Niagara Parks Power Station and of course the waterfall itself. We will be able to have fun along the way at the Hershey's Chocolate World. 

A great deal of time and money goes into creating this field trip. Our students and staff have helped to raise $8,000 through fundraising and donations. We are asking for your help to raise our remaining total.

the steps

  • Pay for Charter Bus ($8,000)
  • Pay for Admissions to the following Parks and Museums ($2,100)
    • John Heinz Center
    • Horn blower Boat Tour of Niagara Falls
    • Niagara Parks Power Station
    • Niagara Falls Underground Railroad Heritage Center
  • Pay for Hotel in Pittsburgh ($2,291)
  • Pay for Hotel in Niagara Falls, Canada ($6,102)
  • Pay for Meals ($2,210)

why we're doing it

A field trip is more than just seeing the sights and learning new information. This trip will allow students to experience real world learning beyond the classroom. Students will have access to first hand information that will enhance their learning. This trip will build their social-emotional learning as they become more empathetic to the enslaved that traveled along the Underground Railroad. Our school has been going on this trip for 3 years now, students in the lower grades know about the trip and look forward to being part of this opportunity in the futures. Finally, the students will be away from their families so they will learn a lot of independence.


Final budget


Pay for Admissions to the following Parks and Museums ($216)

John Heinz Center $104

Niagara Falls Underground Railroad Heritage Center $112

Original budget

Your donation could help in the following ways:

Museum Entry Fee ‐ $15 per person, $2100 total

      Students will be visiting the John Heinz Center, Niagara Parks Power Station and the Niagara Falls Underground Railroad Heritage Center.

Meals‐ $20 per person $1210 total

     We will need to eat breakfast, lunch and dinner out over the four days. 

Hotels ‐ $50 per person,  $1690

     We will be staying in hotels in Pittsburgh and Niagara Falls, Canada.

Transportation-$100 per person, $8,000 total

      Our biggest expense, we have procured a charter bus that allows for a more comfortable ride throughout our journey. 

Budget total: $13,000

We have received outside donations that have covered most of expenses. We still need to raise $3,500



ioby Fiscal Sponsorship Fee N/A $0.00
ioby Donation Processing Fee 4% $145.83
TOTAL TO RAISE $3,645.83



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  • Alice & Jim Lingrosso
  • Theresa T.
  • Emily Campbell
  • Mike M.