project leader
Brigitte C
2396 1st Avenue
(East Harlem, NY)
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the project

Supply in-home food composters to expand our ease-of-use concept and use accessible technology to empower residents to take ownership of the food waste they generate sustainably.

the steps

Month l:

  • Launch an awareness campaign to educate residents about the benefits of food scrap collection and composting
  • Promote program through brochures, flyering, door knocking, social media, and community meetings to raise awareness, ascertain interest, and address any concerns

Month ll:

  • Procure the appliances and supplies (collection bins, liners, signage, and educational materials)
  • Distribute the devices to residents who attend the outreach workshops and opt-in to the program. Provide educational materials on proper use and guide participating households in separating food scraps from other waste.  
  • Training the collection team to ensure proper handling and transportation of collected food scraps to composting facilities

why we're doing it

The lack of waste equity and environmental education affects 1 and 15 New Yorkers who consist of NYCHA residents who do not have the access to participate in NYC programs like other New Yorkers. NYCHA campuses have long been considered impossible to recycle because of their density, outdated infrastructure, and limited space. Food scraps are one of the major contributors to global warming and alone make up about 40% of NYCHA’s waste stream. Although residents recognize the potential benefits of participating in food scrap collection programs, resistance to change has been the challenge in getting residents to adopt new habits. 

Replicating our at-your-door recycling collection service model and making organic recycling accessible to every resident will advance our mission to offer educational opportunities for residents to learn about composting, soil health, and other sustainable waste management practices. If these devices become widely available in multi-family dwellings, they can divert a significant amount of organic waste from landfills, potentially saving millions of dollars in waste disposal costs and reducing costs for NYC taxpayers. The project will promote our mission to strengthen community involvement and awareness about waste reduction and composting, which fosters a sense of environmental stewardship among residents.

We can amend the environmental injustice that NYCHA residents face day-to-day, reduce the time and labor caretakers spend on managing waste, be a leader in the community in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and continue to increase community engagement and create green jobs for residents. Over time, adopting strategies for NYCHA residents to participate in various accessible environmental actions can broaden our developmental goals and make it a valuable initiative for present and future communities.


Final budget


TOTAL RAISED = $5,280.00
ioby Fiscal Sponsorship Fee (8%) $422.40
ioby Donation Processing Fee (3%) $105.60

Original budget

(20) In-home food composters


ioby Fiscal Sponsorship Fee 8% $534
ioby Donation Processing Fee 4% $133
Donation processing fees apply to donations only. 100% of match funding goes to projects. Please note, fees are estimated here and final numbers may change based on the final amount raised and amount of match funding applied to this campaign.




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This is where photos will go once we build flickr integration


  • Kim R.
  • Frances C.
  • Anonymous
  • Ramona V.
  • Renee G.
  • Michael J.
  • April & June
  • KEJ
  • Gary D.
  • Gregory V.
  • Sheena B.
  • Mika R.
  • Anonymous