project leader
Thomas M
(Harlem and Washington Heights)
latest update rss
$2500! In four hours????

the project

We as a robotics team are very new, we were founded last school year. (2022) We have been carried by the dreams and passion of the students who are in the Harlem Rails robotics team, however we are short on funds. The robotics team is open to all who attend Columbia Secondary School, so we are a very diverse robotics team. Holding students of all backgrounds and beliefs within our team, Harlem Rails develops future career skills in technology and robotics. This money is more than just buying robot parts and food for the students in this team, the money allows us to fund their future in robotics. 

the steps

- Buying food and drink the students during their competition

- Buying robot parts for swerve drive modules system, a complex movement system that would increase our teams odds to win in the future.

- Buying t-shirts and sweaters

why we're doing it

Our neighborhoods, Harlem and Washington Heights, have historically been disenfranchised. Money and neighborhood should not prevent children's passion. This is why we are doing this, to secure a future in technology for students.


Final budget


- $1600 for swerve modules

-$1350 for motors and batteries (robot parts)

- $500 for new tools and a brand new mobile tool box

- $300.88 for appeal

TOTAL RAISED = $3,808.00
ioby Fiscal Sponsorship Fee (8%) $304.64
ioby Donation Processing Fee (4%) $76.16

Original budget

We need a large chunk of money for food and sweaters/tshirts for the team to promote spirit wear. 1000

We also need money to pay for a swerve mechanism for the robot for this year or next year. 1500

we also need about 500 to pay for general robot parts.

this is a fundraising for this year and next year



ioby Fiscal Sponsorship Fee N/A $0.00
ioby Donation Processing Fee 4% $61.22
TOTAL TO RAISE $3,061.22
Donation processing fees apply to donations only. 100% of match funding goes to projects. Please note, fees are estimated here and final numbers may change based on the final amount raised and amount of match funding applied to this campaign.


$2500! In four hours????

I cannot thank the css community enough!!! We’re so close to our goal, I did not expect for it to be in reach so quickly


This is where photos will go once we build flickr integration


  • Steven R.
  • Erin M.
  • Kristofer S.
  • Anonymous
  • Maggie F.
  • Anonymous
  • JHeisler
  • Marc and Sarah
  • Dr. Dwight Manning
  • David B.
  • Adeline Monzier
  • Mariana Souto-Manning
  • Elodie M.
  • Daniela and Luna Thomas
  • Christine K.
  • Anonymous
  • Anonymous
  • Melanie B.
  • Catalina O.