project leader
April H
806 East 181 Street
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the project

¡Que Rico Market! works to expand access to fresh, affordable foods in the heart of the Bronx, equip neighbors in food advocacy and to build a downstate -upstate food system. We equip local stakeholders to enact a community plan to build economic, health equity, and greater safety. We accomplish this through workshops, organizing, small business support and neighborhood development projects.  

This year we will run the Market from June until November, conduct an oral history food project at Guess Senior Center and give bi-weekly workshops at local churches, community centers to increase resident engagement. Our locally sourced produce comes from small BIPOC farmers, community gardens and GrowNYC. Each farmshare is curated to provide seasonal and organic options for city dwellers.

We started the farmer's market last year 2022! Check out our previous campaign to see how far we've come!

the steps

June 2023: Reopen Que Rico Market for 2023 season

July 2023: Start Oral History Food Project at Guess Senior Center

August 2023: Hire market facilitator to run fall season and workshops

October 2023: Host visioning session to plan for next year

November 2023: Community Dinner


why we're doing it

Bronx residents are looking for affordable fresh, local and organic produce to support healthy lifestyle changes. Furthermore, neighbors need more opportunities and spaces to interact regularly to share resources, build a sense ownership and neighborhood safety. ¡Qué Rico! market and CSA team is excited to be another anchor for the Crotona neighborhood.


Final budget


Market Resources - $5355

Community Events - $575

Wings Academy - $665

Guess Senior Center $580

TOTAL RAISED = $7,326.00
ioby Fiscal Sponsorship Fee (8%) $586.08
ioby Donation Processing Fee (4%) $146.52

Original budget

Market Furniture (Table, Tent, Chairs, Bags) $500

Stipend for Market Facilitators $2,200

EBT Proccessing Supplies 1,500

Driver Stipend $500

Misc $100

ioby Fiscal Sponsorship Fee 8% $444.44
ioby Donation Processing Fee 4% $111.11
TOTAL TO RAISE $5,555.56

Donation processing fees apply to donations only. 100% of match funding goes to projects. Please note, fees are estimated here and final numbers may change based on the final amount raised and amount of match funding applied to this campaign.


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This is where photos will go once we build flickr integration


  • Lystria H.
  • Lystria Hurley
  • A Bronx Foodie
  • Brenda J.
  • Sarah Schrading
  • Charris Walker
  • Anonymous
  • Anonymous
  • Jennifer R.
  • Eric
  • Ina J.
  • Tish C.
  • Noel B.
  • Rebeca Lafond
  • Frank A.
  • Genevieve W.
  • Brenna Ramirez
  • Jessica M.
  • Lorraine B.
  • Atiya W.
  • Ruby R.
  • Anonymous
  • Stella Frank
  • harnoor s.
  • Anonymous
  • April D.
  • Eunice B.
  • Catherine P.
  • Natalia S.
  • Kendra J.
  • Tish C.
  • Anonymous
  • Gladys S.
  • Anonymous
  • Anonymous
  • Brenda J.
  • Dior S.
  • Tuwarna Campbell
  • Katherine S.
  • william b.
  • Lystria H.