project leader
4403 St Clair
(St Clair/Superior)
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Thank you so much!

the project

We’ve been operating this nonprofit bookstore out of our houses for five years, and we’re finally moving into retail space! We offer great books at a great price, exciting events, and an affordable, accessible creative coworking space. 

We need to move, sort, shelve and price about sixty thousand books, plus the shelving they live on, plus a whole bunch of miscellaneous Stuff and Supplies. We are asking for volunteer help, and also for money: although this project is extremely thrifty, we do need to put gas in our volunteers’ cars, buy occasional supplies, and pay for software and our small but mighty team’s labor. 

We are hosting occasional staffed open shop days throughout the summer while we move in, and we hope to open fully for self-serve browsing, events and coworking by September 1.

the steps

1 ) Transport books and equipment to the Brownhoist: starting spring 2024.

2 ) Sort and shelve books; train volunteer shelvers: April 2024.

3 ) Set up checkout system and free book giveaways: by April 15, 2024.

4 ) Sneak peek of shop: April 27, Independent Bookstore Day.

5 ) Fully stock all shelves, recruit remaining volunteers, and set up regular hours: throughout summer 2024. 

why we're doing it

We offer good books at a good price, plus a third-space gathering place for the community. The funds we raise support literary and literacy programs, improving our community’s access to opportunity and information. Our programs and events are offered with accessible pricing so everyone can attend.

We believe that when everyone does better, everyone does better, so we’re here to read books and end segregation.

We are one city and we will have one future, together: let’s make it a good one.


Final budget



ioby Fiscal Sponsorship Fee (8%)

ioby Donation Processing Fee (4%)




Project Budget: 
    Packing Supplies    $300.00
    Truck Rental    $200.00
Volunteer Rewards        
    Gas Cards for Volunteers    $750.00
    Shirts    $250.00
    Snacks    $50.00
Advertising & Marketing        
    Online advertising    $150.00
    Promotional materials    $300.00
    Signage    $100.00
    Cash drawer    $200.00
    Book cart    $400.00
    Tile tracking devices    $100.00
Storage Facility Rental:   
Contracted Services        
    Cleaning    $1,000.00
Grand Opening Event        
    Food    $100.00
    Drinks    $100.00
    Total: $6,000.00


ioby Fiscal Sponsorship Fee N/A    $0.00
ioby Donation Processing Fee 4%    $122.45
TOTAL TO RAISE    $6,122.45
Donation processing fees apply to donations only. 100% of match funding goes to projects. Please note, fees are estimated here and final numbers may change based on the final amount raised and amount of match funding applied to this campaign.    


Thank you so much!

Your friendly Booksellers are absolutely flabbergasted by the rapid success of our campaign. We're going to wrap up the fundraising tomorrow, and plan out the rest of our move. 

We'll be open on Independent Bookstore Day, April 27, and we would love to see those of you who are local, to show you what you've built. This has been a community effort from the start, and we can't wait to invite our community into our new space. 


Keep Reading,


Thank you so much!

Your friendly Booksellers are absolutely flabbergasted by the rapid success of our campaign. We're going to wrap up the fundraising tomorrow, and plan out the rest of our move. 

We'll be open on Independent Bookstore Day, April 27, and we would love to see those of you who are local, to show you what you've built. This has been a community effort from the start, and we can't wait to invite our community into our new space. 


Keep Reading,


Day 2

We planned for this fundraiser and this project to run the entire summer. Your friendly Booksellers are going to put their heads together to see what we can do with this unexpectedly fast result! 


We're overwhelmed and so grateful for your support! Come celebrate with us at Story Club on Friday!

Halfway there!

We have enough donors for the match, and we're halfway to our goal! Your friendly Booksellers are OVERWHELMED with this support!


This is where photos will go once we build flickr integration


  • Anonymous
  • Rain
  • Rain
  • Friends of Marlie J Dogg
  • Anonymous
  • Sam and Eleanor
  • Kierra Mc
  • Peter
  • Kip W.
  • Susan N.
  • Judy S.
  • Anonymous
  • Alicia
  • Nicole T.
  • Nyla B.
  • Mark S.
  • Jo Ullman
  • Elaina R.
  • annakiss
  • Quinn's most favorite cousin (probably)
  • Monica L.
  • Jess P.
  • John C.
  • Comics at the Corner
  • Angela M.
  • Christine C.
  • Anonymous
  • Kathi R.
  • Gretchen W.
  • Cass J.
  • Amanda R.
  • Elaine B.
  • Anonymous