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Arabella v
281 Maple Street
(Brooklyn & NYC)
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the project

There are many talented artists in NYC, probably more than anywhere else in the world. Yet the artworks they produce are rarely seen by people in the community.

We at Gallery Particulier bring artworks by NYC artists directly to people, in high schools and in community events. They enjoy art that is relevant to their experience in the comfort of their home. Having quality artwork in the home is a unique experience that everyone should be able to enjoy. Visual arts is a constant in every culture.

It has been proven that artworks help social cohesion, enhance a sense of identity, and improve children's school education.

This is what a student said about the artwork she hosted in her home, Child's Baby, portraying a teenager with a baby: "I found it appealing because so many young girls in the world are left to struggle with this. They’re left to have to deal with this great responsibility, possibly not having help or guidance.(..) Now with the abortion laws changing, a lot of girls are gonna have no choice but to be expected to grow up quicker."

We establish alliances with other organizations such as PLG Arts, Brooklyn Community Board #9, etc to expand our reach and success. We also create a model that we can share with other organizations, and that we can all build upon.


the steps

Produce prints.

Produce brochures with information about the artists.

Go to high schools and community events and present the art and the artists to people.

Have people host the artwork in their home.


Share our findings with institutions involved in the the art and the community: museums, galleries, libraries, etc.

why we're doing it

This project brings art to people as most people do not attend museums and art galleries. Less than 20% (less than 15% in some groups) visit an art institution in a year. Having art in the home reinforces a sense of identity and improves children's performance at school (shown by studies)

When we go to high schools, it's amazing how the students get excited about the artists, about the artwork, about being able to take them home for free. And the artists also find it rewarding to know their work is being part of people's daily life.

Gallery Particulier's mission is to democratize the visual arts.


Final budget


Production of Art Prints & Supplies: $1600

Logistics: $1200

Admin Costs: $1550.40

Fees to Artists: $1200

Expenses: $700

TOTAL RAISED = $6,420.00
ioby Fiscal Sponsorship Fee (5%) N/A
ioby Donation Processing Fee (4%) $169.60

Original budget

Production of art prints & supplies $1600

Logistics  $1200

Admin costs: $1400

Fees to artists: $1200

Expenses: $700

Estimated (Project Donations) $3,000.00
Estimated Match Funding $3,000.00


ioby Fiscal Sponsorship Fee N/A $0.00
ioby Donation Processing Fee 4% $122.45
TOTAL TO RAISE $6,122.45
Donation processing fees apply to donations only. 100% of match funding goes to projects. Please note, fees are estimated here and final numbers may change based on the final amount raised and amount of match funding applied to this campaign.  





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This is where photos will go once we build flickr integration


  • Dominique et Louise
  • Dominique H.
  • Anonymous
  • Dick Perez
  • Patricia L.
  • Thomas B.
  • Elijah K.
  • Emma L.
  • sara & claude
  • Eileen O.
  • Renata G.
  • Jennifer O.
  • Fran Antmann
  • Evidence Design
  • Jill M.
  • Yelena L.
  • Tom Otterness Studio
  • Numen R.
  • Chris H.
  • Anonymous
  • Brooklyn Supporter
  • Mylène Gossweiler
  • Anonymous
  • Anonymous
  • Rachel P.
  • Paul R.
  • Elsie M.
  • Susi O.
  • Alisha L.
  • Conor B.
  • Barbara Ann R.
  • Anonymous
  • Diana G.
  • Margaret R.
  • Anonymous