project leader
Amir S
28960 Lakeland Blvd
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the project

Unpacking "Art" Full S.T.E.A.M Ahead is a summer series of workshops that focuses on teaching coding and graphic design to youth and young adults.  Unpacking "Art" Full S.T.E.A.M Ahead is anticipated to begin 5/1/2023 thru 09/1/2023. 

We will perform coding and digital arts workshops, providing "dreaming" opportunities where students will either co-create artwork for their websites, or select from authorized templates, developing skill and knowledge in an ever competitive, changing digital world. 

The concept of STEAM came about after STEM was first introduced. Teachers of the arts were concerned that with so much focus placed on topics like science, technology, engineering, and math- that the arts (reading, writing, art, music, and the like) would get pushed aside and children would not be well-rounded. We intentionally will recruit students/scholars in early middle school. Coding has many approaches that make it suitable for learning at any age. The goal is to break complex problems into simple ones.

Our workshop series will continue our work of engaging youth and providing artistic outlets while teaching real world skill building. 

the steps



Recruit Staff

Develop A Schedule

Acquire Supplies/Equipment

Implement Workshops

why we're doing it

This approach is based on splitting a problem into parts and solving it through games and creative tools. With the right tools and mentoring, a 5-year-old can learn the basics of coding while having fun. Our workshops will take place mostly in county libraries, also with the occasional remote/virtual learning environment. Unpacking "Art" Full S.T.E.A.M Ahead, will operate during the summer months, where students/scholars are most available, and seeking desirable options.

Unpacking "Art" Full S.T.E.A.M Ahead, begins to bridge the digital divide and create promising career paths for those who are dedicated to investing in themselves.

For 16 years By Leaps and Bounds has been working in the community fostering relationships and providing learning opportunities to at risk youth, young adults, and building community with young fathers. Our mission is to build capacity in people. We do this by offering creative skill building programs such as journalism and communications classes, introducing art as therapy, and taking cultural excursion and exposure trips. 

Unpacking "Art" Full S.T.E.A.M Ahead is the latest iteration of our mission focused work. 



Final budget


Supplies $399.12

Stipend $2500.00

Student Hosting Accounts $1600.00

Computer Rental $ 1000.00 

Space $500.00

TOTAL RAISED = $6,092.00
ioby Fiscal Sponsorship Fee (5%) N/A
ioby Donation Processing Fee (3%) $92.88

Original budget

Supplies $400.00

Stipend $2500.00

Student Hosting Accounts $1600.00

Computer Rental $ 1000.00 

Space $500.00

Total $6000.00


ioby Fiscal Sponsorship Fee (5%) N/A
ioby Donation Processing Fee (3%)
(Donation processing fee does not apply to match funding.)

Donation processing fees apply to donations only. 100% of match funding goes to projects. Please note, fees are estimated here and final numbers may change based on the final amount raised and amount of match funding applied to this campaign.    


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This is where photos will go once we build flickr integration


  • Kimyana W.
  • Karl T.
  • Karl T.
  • Nancy H.
  • Nancy T.
  • Omr S.
  • Omar S.
  • Sakinah S.
  • Fatu S.
  • Fatu S.
  • Fatu S.
  • Kimyana W.
  • Amir S.
  • Thameenah S.
  • Thameenah S.
  • Thameenah S.
  • Thameenah S.
  • Thameenah S.