project leader
Carey K
East 125th Street
(East Harlem)
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the project

Uptown Grand Central was founded by local small businesses in 2013, when mom-and-pop shops along East 125th Street were struggling to keep their doors open and repeatedly hearing that East 125th Street was not a place to bring children, family or friends. In 2016, we expanded to create Uptown Grand Central, a 501c3 nonprofit that works to build a thriving and vibrant neighborhood.

Our central work is to cultivate healthy and clean public spaces where community, culture and entrepreneurship can grow. Our Clean Team powered by Positive Workforce sweeps the East 125th Street corridor seven days a week, collecting 12,000 bags of trash per year in our bright yellow trashbags. We organize the Grandscale Mural Project, which brings together more than 100 local artists to transform half a mile of construction fencing with colorful murals, as well as Winter Lights and Uptown Flash, which make the street more festive and safe at night.

Since 2015, we've been the caretaker of the 125th Street Community Plaza located under the Metro-North tracks at 125th Street & Park Avenue, which now hosts neighborhood events such as community givebacks, disco parties and a year-round Farmstand in partnership with GrowNYC. We also create large-scale events to bring the community together, including Party On Park under and along the Park Avenue Viaduct, and the Harlem Night Market at La Marqueta. Over the past three years, we've organized three of East Harlem's Open Streets, located at 101st Street (East Harlem's Restaurant Row), 115th Street (La Marqueta) and Pleasant Avenue. You can also join us for a Hot Chocolate Ride, Horchata Ride or Mocktail Ride, where we explore local small businesses by bike.

the steps

Please consider supporting in whatever way you are able. Donations of any amount are welcome.

why we're doing it

Lined with vacant lots and empty buildings, divided by highways and industrial zones, and plagued by high rates of homelessness and drug use, our section of East Harlem has for far too long fallen off the radar screen. With a fragmented constituency and a high influx of people that require a high rate of social services, there have been few voices standing to advocate for our community and make it a better place.

By supporting this crowdfunder, you are casting your vote for East Harlem -- and for making East 125th Street a healthy, vibrant place to live, work and play!


Final budget


125th Street Community Plaza care & maintenance $18,676.80

TOTAL RAISED = $19,330.00
ioby Fiscal Sponsorship Fee (5%) N/A
ioby Donation Processing Fee (3%) $653.20

Original budget


$200,000 -- Clean Team for the East 125th Street corridor (7 days, 20 work hours per day)

$20,000 -- 125th Street Community Plaza care & maintenance

$7,800 -- Yellow trashbags

$80,000 -- Grandscale Mural Project

$50,000 -- Winter Lights

ioby Fiscal Sponsorship Fee N/A $0.00
ioby Donation Processing Fee 4% $750.00
TOTAL TO RAISE $18,750.00
Donation processing fees apply to donations only. 100% of match funding goes to projects. Please note, fees are estimated here and final numbers may change based on the final amount raised and amount of match funding applied to this campaign.  



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This is where photos will go once we build flickr integration


  • Memorial Sloan Kettering
  • Anonymous
  • Michael Lythcott
  • Paola S.
  • Jim Ratti
  • Raffaela P.
  • Princess Jenkins
  • Church of Scientology of Harlem parishner
  • Church of Scientology HARLEM Volunteer Ministers
  • Kathy Benson Haskins
  • Donna D.
  • 1831 Madison Friends
  • Keep up the Good Work!
  • UGC Supporter!
  • Angela F.
  • Joyce S.
  • Anonymous
  • Jennifer B.
  • Ms F S.
  • Sylvia C.
  • Shkigale B.
  • The Labor of Love Association
  • Kenneth K.
  • Lindsey H.
  • Evan K.
  • Anonymous
  • Kate A
  • Karen J.
  • Julianne and Robert Bertagna
  • Michael J.
  • Brian S.
  • Jake Langbecker
  • Lydia B.
  • Diane .
  • Calvin P.
  • Anonymous
  • RJSB
  • Mishella D.
  • Pauline D.
  • Curtis Archer
  • K.V. Dhillon
  • Jonathan Kane
  • Millie Gonzalez
  • Diane C
  • Blair Duncan
  • Your Neighbor
  • Grateful Neighbor!
  • Kat P.
  • MarieFrance F.
  • Anonymous
  • Anonymous
  • Thank you Carey King!
  • Valerie B.
  • Alexander F.
  • Matthew Westerby
  • Landon W.
  • kate ascher
  • WE ACT For Environmental Justice
  • k.d.Dolls
  • The Lamb Family
  • Robin R.
  • Anonymous
  • Kaushik V.
  • Jennifer McDonnell
  • Susan L.
  • Timothy S.
  • Anonymous
  • Jonathan S.
  • rashida b.
  • HC
  • Anonymous
  • Sarah C.
  • Maya V.
  • Joyce S.
  • Janice T.
  • Max M.
  • Anonymous
  • Kat P.
  • Judith C.
  • Paola S.
  • Jenny S.
  • Jeff N.
  • Laura M.
  • Rosa
  • Asari B.
  • Your Neighbor
  • Allison K.