project leader
Gregory J
Cuyahoga County Libraries and or Virtually
(Greater Cleveland Area)
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the project

VISION Board: NOT Your Average Board Game, according to Psychology Today, mental practices (like visualization) can increase motivation, confidence, and even motor performance. In fact, in one study, researchers found that, in athletes, visualization was almost as effective as physical practice.

It's also a fun arts and crafts project that allows you to see what your goals would look like once you achieve them. So if, for example, you're hoping to be more comfortable with your body, you might put pictures of happy, healthy women coupled with empowering words like "confidence" on your vision board.

If you prefer to go the digital route, there are plenty of free online programs to help you make your vision board. For simplicity, you could create a board on Pinterest. But if you want your digital vision board to more closely resemble a physical one, use an app like Canva, which can be used on your phone, tablet, or computer. You don't need to be a graphic design expert—this program is free (you can pay a premium for added functionality and graphics) and is extremely beginner-friendly. Simply import your inspiration photos and arrange them into a collage on your blank digital canvas.

Each session, there will be a coach available to assist where needed. As the project goes forth, our hope is that they develop a picture that strongly resembles the direction of their life.

the steps

Develop A Calendar

Acquire Monthly Space At The County Library

Hunt Through Articles and Publications (On-Hand or Online for images)

Recruit Coaches

Recruit Participants

Execute Sessions

why we're doing it

Our youth and young adults are struggling sometimes to find their footing as a result of bad decision making, generational poverty or a global epidemic. Everyone deserves to be productive and lead a quality life. Most times they just require a start! VISION Board will assist those who need it most, with the push they are screaming (silently) for. Once you're done, put your vision board in a place that's within your regular line of sight—your nightstand, your home office, or even by your television—because the key is to look at it as often as possible


Final budget


Secondary Coach                       $750.00

Post Secondary Coach                   $750.00

Career Pathway Coach                  $750.00 

Life Coach                            $750.00

Marketing Fees                        $250.00

Photographer/Videographer               $750.00

Exploratory Learning Admission Fees       $1000.00

Transportation Fees                    $1000.00


ioby Fiscal Sponsorship Fee (5%)

ioby Donation Processing Fee (3%)


Original budget

Secondary Coach                                              $750.00

Post Secondary Coach                                     $750.00

Career Pathway Coach                                    $750.00 

Life Coach                                                        $750.00

Marketing Fees                                                $250.00

Photographer/Videographer                             $750.00

Exploratory Learning Admission Fees             $1000.00

Transportation Fees                                        $1000.00

ioby Fiscal Sponsorship Fee (5%)    N/A
"ioby Donation Processing Fee (3%) $91
(Donation processing fee does not apply to match funding.)"    
TOTAL TO RAISE=    $6,091
Donation processing fees apply to donations only. 100% of match funding goes to projects. Please note, fees are estimated here and final numbers may change based on the final amount raised and amount of match funding applied to this campaign.    


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This is where photos will go once we build flickr integration


  • Jennie T.
  • Antione M.
  • Hubert K.
  • Gregory E. Jones
  • Carol J.
  • Freda H.
  • T.C.