project leader
Jon W
1350 Concourse Ave 38104
(Memphis )
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the project

In the landscape of today’s R&B, where the soulful serenades beneath moonlit skies seem to have faded into the background, our project emerges as a beacon to reignite the vibrant spirit of classic R&B with a modern twist. Inspired by the era when music wasn't just heard but felt, we aim to bring back the romantic extravagance of R&B legends like Jodeci, Usher, and Ginuwine. Our project, “Voodoobaby”, isn’t just about making music; it's about crafting experiences and stirring emotions, making each song a homage to the principles of 90's r&b. 

“Voodoobaby” is designed to be more than just an artist; it's a persona that embodies the over-the-top, yet genuine theatrics of iconic music videos and performances from the past. With a nod to the theatrical storytelling of Missy Elliott and the creative genius of Tyler, The Creator, we plan to produce music and videos that do more than just entertain—they create a world of their own. Each frame of our proposed video treatments aims to capture intimate, skit-based interactions that reflect the dynamics of modern relationships, all wrapped in mood lighting and signature aesthetics like silk durags extending out of frame—our unique twist.

Our fundraising goal is to support the elaborate production of music and visuals that stay true to our vision of reviving the flamboyant charm of R&B. By investing in quality production, innovative social media rollouts, and distinctive video skits, we plan to propel the genre forward while paying homage to its rich history. Your support will help us create a series of videos and songs that not only celebrate R&B but also push its creative boundaries, ensuring that the soul-stirring magic of R&B continues to thrive and resonate with audiences worldwide.

the steps


  1. Pre-production Planning (May - June): Finalize the creative concepts, storyboard, and scripts for the music videos and skits. This phase includes casting, scouting locations like Dallas's house and other key spots, and assembling our production crew.

  2. Music Production (May - July): Record and produce the tracks for the project. This will involve sessions in the studio to capture the unique sound of "Voodoobaby," incorporating pitched-up vocals and distinctive R&B beats.

  3. Video Production (June - September): Shoot the music videos and skits. We will use innovative techniques such as split screens, slow pans, and mood lighting to create the signature aesthetic. Key scenes include the silk durag extensions, kitchen shots with purple lighting, and ritual scenes captured by a ring cam.

  4. Post-production (September - October): Edit the videos and music tracks. This stage includes adding visual effects, finalizing the editing, and mixing and mastering the tracks.

  5. Social Media Rollout and Promotion (September - December): Launch an engaging social media campaign using long-form content and skits, similar to the rollouts seen in Usher's "Confessions" era. This phase also includes the release of music and videos in stages to build audience anticipation and engagement.

  6. Public Release and Engagement (September-December): Release the final products to the public through various streaming platforms, accompanied by live events and interactive fan engagements to deepen the connection with our audience.

why we're doing it


In a world where the vibrancy of classic R&B has dimmed, our project, "Voodoobaby," seeks to rekindle the flame of soulful music and artistic expression. We're not just creating music; we're fostering a movement that challenges the current norms of the genre, which often leans towards hypermasculinity and lacks the emotional depth and flair that once defined it. By reintroducing the theatrics, romance, and soul of old-school R&B, we aim to enrich our cultural landscape, offering an alternative that celebrates diversity in musical expression and emotional honesty.

Our initiative serves as a creative outlet that addresses the social need for more inclusive and expressive artistic works that resonate with all demographics, particularly women and those who feel disconnected from the current state of R&B. Through "Voodoobaby," we're not only reviving a genre; we're creating a space where everyone can feel seen, heard, and emotionally connected, thereby enriching the cultural fabric of our neighborhood and beyond.


Final budget


TOTAL RAISED = $28,000.00
ioby Fiscal Sponsorship Fee (8%) $2,240.00
ioby Donation Processing Fee (3%) $1,120.00

Original budget



ioby Fiscal Sponsorship Fee 8% $4,545.45
ioby Donation Processing Fee 4% $2,272.73
TOTAL TO RAISE $56,818.18


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This is where photos will go once we build flickr integration


  • Anonymous