project leader
Sheila G
273 Newport Street
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the project

Adopt-a-school programs have gained popularity nationwide as communities recognize the positive impact they can have on students and community members. By adopting a school that has historically been under-resourced, we believe we can make a meaningful contribution to the lives of students, teachers, families, caregivers and the community as a whole. This involvement supports education, fosters relationships, promotes community engagement, and enhances well-being by creating a nurturing environment where students feel valued and supported.

The activities will include a communal meal, art-making, journaling, culturally affirming self-care practices and  culminate with a community dance party where intergenerational teams of participants will work together to choreograph and lead a dance class with our community partner, Arts-In-Blue. Art work will be included in new wellness room for the school.

 This initiative can help in rebuilding resilience among students and educators, promote awareness around local mental health initiatives, integrate culturally reflective practices to strengthen learning opportunities, increase experiences of safety and deepen meaningful ways to engage the wider community. In this way, WRB hopes to play a crucial role in coalition building and expanding values-aligned collaborations to ensure a secure and supportive learning environment that promotes academic success and overall well-being for students and staff.


the steps

Partner with PS 184 to co-create buy-in plan from school community

Co-develop outreach with staff and administration

Students finalize and plan kick-off celebration

Activate community building through art making project


why we're doing it

We Run Brownsville is dedicated to creating multiple pathways for the healing our community deserves, enabling us to breathe, dream, innovate, and thrive. Our vision for holistic care through the sport of running forms the cornerstone of a framework built on principles of abundance, generosity, collective care, and joy. 


Final budget


Paper Notebook Journals 65.98

Crayons 73.98

Art Paint Trays 27.98

Sketching Pencil Set 52.4

Sketch Pads 78.99

Acrylic Paint 199.95

Paint Brushes 107.96

Canvas 79.96

Frames 83.96

Trays for snacks 67.56

Pretzels 49.95

Popcorn 81.9

Art Easel 11.99

Waterbottles 462.5

Original budget

Sketchbooks $30

Sketching Pencils $425

Paint/Paint Brushes $375

Canvas $475


ioby Fiscal Sponsorship Fee 8% $266.67
ioby Donation Processing Fee 4% $66.67
TOTAL TO RAISE $3,333.33
Donation processing fees apply to donations only. 100% of match funding goes to projects. Please note, fees are estimated here and final numbers may change based on the final amount raised and amount of match funding applied to this campaign.





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This is where photos will go once we build flickr integration


  • Jenna P.
  • Anonymous
  • cynthia G.
  • Kay White
  • Giovania T.
  • Felicia S.
  • Justin M.
  • Sonny & Nia
  • Sheila B.
  • Chante G.