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Tia D
2500 Hamlin Drive
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the project

MindPower (M.Power) is an innovative youth leadership and entrepreneurship program launched by Anchor Community Outreach to empower elementary through high school students from underserved communities. With the support of generous donors like you, we aim to provide these students with transformative opportunities to develop essential leadership skills, entrepreneurial mindset, and practical business knowledge.

Through MindPower (M.Power), we aspire to create a dynamic learning environment where students can unleash their potential, gain confidence, and explore innovative solutions to real-world challenges. The funds raised will directly contribute to securing the VentureLab curriculum, workshop materials, weekly refreshments for participants, and program merchandise such as MindPower T-shirts. Your contribution will not only help us deliver impactful workshops and experiences but also instill a sense of empowerment and resilience in the next generation of leaders and change-makers. Join us in building a brighter future and unlocking the limitless potential of our youth through MindPower!

the steps

  1. Procure VentureLab Curriculum: Immediately upon receiving funds, we will purchase the VentureLab curriculum to kickstart the MindPower (M.Power) program.
  2. Plan Workshop Schedule: Within the first week, our team will plan and schedule the workshops, ensuring a structured and engaging learning experience.
  3. Order Workshop Materials: By the end of the second week, we will order all necessary materials and supplies for the workshops, ensuring timely delivery.
  4. Organize Launch Event: Also during the second week, we will organize a launch event to introduce MindPower to participants, families, and stakeholders, creating excitement and engagement. We will also create flyers to share with the community so that that they will have the opportunity to sign up.
  5. Commence Workshops: Starting from the fourth week, we will commence the workshops as per the planned schedule, focusing on leadership, entrepreneurship, and hands-on learning experiences.
  6. Monitor Progress: Throughout the program duration, our team will monitor participant progress, gather feedback, and make necessary adjustments to ensure a successful and impactful experience.
  7. Culminating Event: At the end of the program, we will organize a culminating event to showcase participant projects, celebrate achievements, and inspire continued growth and development.

why we're doing it

MindPower (M.Power) addresses critical social and economic challenges faced by youth in the city of Inkster.  In Inkster, many young individuals from underserved backgrounds lack access to opportunities that foster leadership skills, entrepreneurial mindset, and career readiness. This gap contributes to barriers in academic achievement, economic mobility, and community engagement.

Our project seeks to bridge this gap by providing a structured program that empowers high school students with essential skills and experiences. By equipping them with leadership abilities, entrepreneurial knowledge, and practical tools, MindPower (M.Power) aims to break cycles of limited opportunity and inspire a new generation of resilient, innovative leaders in the Inkster community. Our team is driven by the belief that every youth has immense potential waiting to be unlocked, and MindPower is our commitment to nurturing that potential and creating positive change at the grassroots level. Together, we envision a brighter future where youth in Inkster are empowered to thrive, contribute, and lead with confidence.


  • VentureLab Curriculum: $1000
  • Workshops Materials and Supplies: $600
  • Weekly Food and Snacks for Participants: $250
  • MindPower T-Shirts for Participants: $150

Total Project Budget: $2000


ioby Fiscal Sponsorship Fee 8% $181.82
ioby Donation Processing Fee 4% $90.91
TOTAL TO RAISE $2,272.73
Donation processing fees apply to donations only. 100% of match funding goes to projects. Please note, fees are estimated here and final numbers may change based on the final amount raised and amount of match funding applied to this campaign.


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This is where photos will go once we build flickr integration


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